Friday, March 31, 2017

Stage Five

Mike Pence, the tie breaker. Because of his vote Planned Parenthood may no longer be funded by federal money. States now have control over what organizations they want to fund. This new bill over turns one of former President Barrack Obama’s last bills, as it let states deny family planning funds to an organization only if it is incapable of proving services. It seems to me that the only thing republicans are worried about are abortions. President Trump offered to maintain the federal funding to Planned Parenthood only if they stopped providing abortions. Federal money is not allowed to be used on abortions, so technically that would do no good. He’s taking away basic health care for around four-hundred thousand women. It is completely contradictory and irrational to say that one is for women’s health, birth control, cancer screenings and preventative care, but then defund the organization that provides all of those services. CBS News states that “Most recipients are women, and two-thirds have incomes at or below the federal poverty level, around $12,000 for an individual. Six in 10 say the program’s services are their only or most frequent source of health care.” So let’s stop thinking only about the abortions and lets stats considering all of the good Planned Parenthood brings to those in need.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Stage Four

In his article, Obamacare can’t be ‘fixed’, Larry Elder states that health insurance shouldn’t be able to accept people with pre-existing health issues because it would destroy the whole concept of insurance; it is about covering people for possible unknown risks not pre-existing ones. I have to disagree, I think insurance companies should accept all people, how could you turn down someone when they need it the most? Elders post was directed towards democrats to explain why the health care restrictions are wrong and how he thinks they should be. He thinks that it was a “commodity”, something that can be bought or traded and should not be free to anyone, he compares it to cars, sweaters and smartphones.