Sunday, February 26, 2017

Trump order mucks up the regulatory process

President Trump issued an executive order for agencies to get rid of two regulations for every one regulation they want to adopt. Meaning there is going to be fewer regulations to protect the citizens from health and safety issues. This article states that it will affect worker-safety standards, pollution limitations and consumer-fraud restrictions. The order is not going to affect the people immediately, it's going to cost agencies millions of dollars and a lot of time, even though they have promised it will save money. I would have to agree with the authors of this article, Thomas O. McGarity and Sidney A. Shapiro; it doesn't seem like the right way to go about making a positive change for businesses or the people. The authors certainly know what they are talking about as Thomas O. McGarity is a leading scholar in the fields of both administrative law and environmental law, and Sidney A. Shapiro is one of the country’s leading experts in administrative procedure and regulatory policy. Their aim is to inform the people about how this order will affect everyone day to day and how they think it is basically a waste of time and money.

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